Tuesday 12 December 2017

My Perfect Work Day

I’ve partnered with VARIDESK to bring you this blog post. And, I have to admit, I never thought I’d be so enthusiastic about a desk. For real. In just a few weeks it has transformed how I work and feel. Read on to see why I love this stand-up desk so much!

Back in May when I visited San Diego for the Fitness Business Summit, I listened to a speaker named Craig Ballantyne talk about the importance of “owning your day” and taking steps to control your life from his book The Perfect Day Formula. It really resonated with me because, at the time, I was feeling pretty overwhelmed by my current routine. Sure, there were days here and there when things didn’t blow up, but I knew I wanted to better my situation. Craig talked about the “Perfect Day” where everything just clicks and you feel great. He actually shared his “Perfect Day Formula,” which emphasized sticking to a schedule. It might seem a little counter-intuitive, but he explained that structure actually creates more freedom in your life because you better prioritize, which leaves you more time to do what you want.

Ever since I learned about The Perfect Day Formula, I’ve thought a lot about what my “perfect” work day would look like. Truthfully, most days, I’m a hot mess, but there are some days that I get pretty close. When I’m productive, active, and feeling balanced, it’s a good day. It’s also motivation to keep on trucking until I achieve that perfect day. Curious what my perfect work day would look like? Read on!

Up and ‘at for an early-morning workout. A few times a week, a pop into the 5:15 AM class at CrossFit. When I work out first thing in the morning, I know my day is going to go better. Plus, it really maximizes my time in the morning. I sometimes have an extra 20-30 minutes to do chores around the house or catch up with email before Quinn wakes up.

Post-workout Coffee Shack trip. It’s such a little thing, but ordering a delicious iced coffee (and one for Mal too) after my workout always puts me in a good mood. There’s also sometimes donut samples in the morning, which, obviously, makes me happy!

Hanging out with Qman and getting in a shower. I love my mornings with Qman. I feel like we’re often rushing out the door to get him to school, but if I’m awake before he is, I’ll jump in the shower real quick. Even on the mornings that Quinn is awake early, we have a routine (he gets 15 minutes of the iPad under Murphy’s supervision) while I take a shower. Having that shower under my belt, instead of waiting hours to get clean, makes me feel much more put together for the day.

Eating a nutritious and delicious breakfast. I’m loving this Powerseed Protein Oatmeal topped with banana slices and cinnamon. It’s loaded with protein, healthy fats, and fiber, and it’s soooo filling!

Prioritizing my To Do list for the day. I do this BEFORE I start working, so I know exactly what needs to be accomplished before I get distracted by other tasks. Even if I only accomplish a few things on my list, at least I know I did what was most important.

Working at home at my VARIDESK in my office. I work best when I’m alone in my office at home. No distractions! I also love that my desk encourages me to move around throughout the day. I mean, I wake up at 4:45 AM to workout, so it doesn’t make much sense to sit on my butt all day long. Being active throughout my work day makes me so much more productive, and I’m much more mentally alert when I’m standing. And here’s a fun fact for you: If you were to use a standing desk for 4 hours a day during a 5 day work week, you could burn an extra 650 calories on average! Isn’t that nuts!? It definitely makes me feel better about all of the time I spend in front of my laptop and having an active office make my day go a zillion times better.

Taking an actual lunch break and enjoying a healthy meal. I’m loving tasting plates lately. They’re super versatile and just about any combination of foods works and they are so easy to make. I just pull out whatever I have in my fridge and lunch is ready to go in 5 minutes or less!

Finishing my work day with a pug walk and a podcast. I usually don’t a ton of time at the end of the day, so this doesn’t happen as much as I’d like, but it’s definitely something I want to work towards. I love disconnecting (from work) this way. Pug + personal development + physical activity = perfection!

Dinner and conversation with my boys. After being away from my family all day, I love catching up with them over dinner. Now that Quinn can talk, our conversations are often quite hilarious!

Climbing into bed, reading or chatting with Mal, and hitting the hay early. I used to spend hours at night scrolling through Instagram and Facebook doing absolutely nothing of significance. Nowadays, I make it a point to head to bed early. Plus, it’s a necessity now that I wake up at 4:45 AM for CrossFit. All I know is that when I’m well-rested, I’m a much happier person!

Question of the Day

Your turn! What needs to happen for your work day to be a perfect one?

The post My Perfect Work Day appeared first on Carrots 'N' Cake.

My Perfect Work Day posted first on http://ift.tt/2khSMqf

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